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The Uses of Medications in Dentistry

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The uses of medications in dentistry vary dramatically. Not only can medications now be used to help with your oral health, but in some cases, side effects of unrelated medications can do damage to your smile. Here are some things you should know about medications and oral health:

– Medications can be given either via prescription or via over-the-counter store-bought products.
– Medications can play a significant role in your oral health, as there are many complications and side effects that can arise.
– When taking any form of medication, it is always a good idea to consult with your dentist first to determine if it will negatively affect your oral health.
– Oral medications that are inhaled can lead to an infection so-called oral candidiasis, which is also referred to as thrush. One potential treatment method is to remember to wash out your mouth after inhaling any form of medication.
– One of the most often seen side effects of medications is dry mouth, which is a medical disorder that consists of a depressed amount of saliva in your mouth.

To discuss your oral health care treatment options with Dr. Barry Sorenson and the rest of our team at Salina Creek Dental, simply book an appointment at our dentist office in Salina, Utah. Our number is 435-529-1000. A healthy smile is a happy smile!